Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAS Library Department Meeting September 24, 2014

Amanda and Rebecca  were in attendance
1.     Inventory, reports, ?s, etc.
Current progress on the inventory and the possibility of creating more reports in    Mandarin was discussed, in addition, to the potential of being able to get more information from the company or additional training in the digital structural elements of Mandarin Oasis.
Plans were also made to continue the search through the records for missing or mis-directed books so that the total list of missing books could be verified.

2.     Programs update
Plans were made and discussed for the upcoming banned book week as well as future plans for Teen Read Week. Library lectures were also discussed and the calendar of potential speakers.

3.     Budget & POs
The different procedures for purchases was discussed in regards to budgetary forms and levels of authorization needed.

4.     Orientations wrap-up? & update stats
Most Orientations have been planned or are being considered with the different academic departments and potential areas of expansion and services were discussed.

5.     IDs & computers & printers update
Student IDs with barcodes have been discussed with Christoph and a current timeline has been tentatively set up for rolling out the new program with the students.

6.     BE & Savoy updates

Beginning of the year procedures and implementation of new programs was discussed while potential projects on the LAS Library Action Plan were assessed for the coming months and plans were formulated on how to fit in the most pressing ones into the current schedule.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NEW from LAS Libraries: Renew library items online

You can now see everything you have checked out from LAS Libraries online and renew them in your own personal online library account. All faculty, staff and students now have this feature available to them automatically. 

  1. Go to LAS Libraries online catalog.
  2. Select "My Account" in the yellow box in the upper right-hand corner.
Inline image 1

3.  Enter your login and password. 

Login: your LAS email address
Password: your barcode number on your LAS ID card (faculty & student cards do not have this yet; if you want your number, please contact the library)

(If you've set up an online account with the library last year or previously, your login and password has not changed.)

4.  You should now see your account. 

Inline image 2
5.  If you click on "Current Transactions," you can see what you have checked out and renew items by clicking on the "Renew" button to the right of the item.

Inline image 3

Please let us know if you have any questions or issues!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

LAS Library Department Meeting September 2, 2014

Amanda Bjorling and Rebecca Leonhard were in attendance

1.   Storage space
The storage space for the ACS collection was inspected and discussed on future storage within the space, in addition to potential timeline for cataloging or planned giveaways of unwanted or aged materials.

2.     Meeting Minutes & Blog
It was decided to alternate hosting the department meeting at the two respective libraries while sharing the taking of the library minutes. Amanda took down the minutes from the first meeting and the first meeting was held in the Belle Époque library.

3.     TGIF: The first TGIF of the year was to be held on September 5 from 4pm-7pm at the Hôtel Mont-Riant hosted by the libraries as well as Alex Flynn-Padick. This event allows the library to show support to the faculty while welcoming everyone to the new school year. 

4.     Wednesday BE Library Duty
After looking at the schedule of people on duty it was decided for Rebecca and Amanda to alternate the Wednesday open evening in the Belle Époque Library.

5.     Programs, Events & Marketing
      Potential new projects were discussed and the new theme of the library is "Check it out @ LAS Libraries."

6.     Inventory
The process of completing the overall inventory of the two different libraries was discussed.  It was decided that the nonfiction and fiction section would be compared with the inventory documents to see what exact titles were present or missing before running a collection analysis.

7.     Action plan choices

The overall action plan was discussed and activities in progressed were covered. In particular, the following current works in progress items were discussed: programming (teen read week/Banned Books Week), inventory and ACS collection.