Monday, April 27, 2015

Metaphysical Markers

by Alex Kasperkiewicz

Has anyone seen the ruler? Or the headphones? Or just one of the countless pens that are missing? I never once thought the most unpredictable thing about working in the library would be the location of the scissors, or the sharpies, or the phone charger. How can so many objects be constantly changing positions within the school? Maybe they come alive and move about, like some especially uninteresting version of Toy Story starring office supplies.

I guess I should be delighted that the library resources are being used to their full extent, but at the same time I just want my tape dispenser back.  I wonder what over-the-top solution exists to solve this problem. Perhaps I barcode absolutely everything and insist that everything must be checked out. Post-its to paperclips, three weeks or it’s the apocalypse.

Missing office items aside, every request that comes through the doors of the library is a puzzle. It can be a barebones economics research topic or a sudden calculus problem being placed on my desk with a confused student standing behind it. Helping students with their academics is incredibly rewarding not only because I impress myself by remembering calculus from two years ago, but also because I am thrilled that they won't be handing in a blank math assignment.

Working in the library has been a blast! However, it is important to zoom out and realize that it's not just the missing markers, staplers and glue sticks I will be missing, but also the staff and students who have made the last four months an unforgettable experience.

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