Friday, May 20, 2016

The Tea Bandits

While sitting behind at my desk, cataloguing books I always have to be aware of any potential dangers that may come lurking into the library… especially the Tea Bandits.

You may be wondering, who are these Tea Bandits? These are the patrons who constantly try sneak in the library with their precious cup of tea, go around the corner where they are out of sight and relax on the couch and drink their tea. I am all for a relaxing tea while reading a book, but a library needs to be a clean and tidy area that helps promote learning and thus there is the strict rule of “No food or drinks in the library”.

The Bandits understand this rule, but they get more and more creative everyday finding new ways to sneak in their coveted cup of tea. From putting it under their LAS sweater to quickly dashing around the corner, I have seen it all. Although, I too have gotten creative in my ways of stopping them; I listen to the creaks in the floorboards as they walk in, and I have trained myself to smell a cup of tea from across the room.

At the beginning of the term when I was doing my rounds shutting down the library, I would find mugs in the most interesting places: behind books, under tables, in little cubby holes. If it had a flat surface, I can almost guarantee you I found a mug there. It has gotten better throughout the year, and now I barely find any mugs lying around. I would like to say that I have conquered the Tea Bandits, but I know they will always be around. So for now I always have all of my senses on waiting to catch the next Tea Bandit that dares enter the LAS Libraries.

Another term working in the LAS Libraries has come and gone. I would like to thank Ms. Leonhard, Ms. Bjorling and everyone at LAS for another great term and for the unforgettable experience!

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